
Start listening to your customer and recommend the right houses.

As a real estate company, you probably have an extensive portfolio full of properties that are similar to each other and could be relevant to a certain client segment. A lot of these homes are getting overlooked because they aren’t shown to the right potential customers.

Targeting your visitors with the right content at the right time will enable you to get the most out of your portfolio and will make your visitors browse alternatives they otherwise might have missed.

The best way to show relevant houses to your potential buyers is by directly recommending these properties to them. Show them what they might be interested in and guide them towards the house of their dreams.

Guide visitors to undiscovered listings

Recommendation boxes, filled with properties, automatically adapt to every unique visitor based on their search behavior on your website. You can add these boxes to your homepage, search page, and detailpage. Your homepage is often your visitor’s first touchpoint and therefore, your website's most important page. 

For example: 

Let’s say I’ve been looking for a property in North London with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, a separate kitchen, in a certain price range. I start browsing the website, searching for a property that matches my requirements. Finally, I’ve found something similar to my needs. Unfortunately it is not the house of my dreams. Adding recommendation boxes on this page, filled with similar houses in the area will enhance the probability of finding my dream house! 

As described earlier, the AI algorithms will fill the recommendation boxes with relevant content. This enables the boxes to match my interests and to automatically show me other listings in North London or maybe even in North East London with, for example, the same number of rooms and bathrooms. 

This will make it significantly easier for your potential buyers to hop from one relevant listing to another without searching intensively. This way, website visitors can easily compare different properties on your website. Recommending relevant properties will result in a better customer experience and thus improves the conversion rates. 

Recommending the right listings to the right audience results in an approximately 20-35% increase in appointments made by potential buyers.

Stay a little longer

Another way to use recommendations on your website is by implementing them in a pop-up. Pop-ups could be triggered at various points of the customer journey. The most useful implementation of it is to use it as an exit-intent.

The pop-up will get activated at the moment a visitor is about to close or leave your website. It gives you the opportunity to show the right value to your potential customers before they bounce.

For example:

 “Did not yet find your dream house? Discover new properties that might be the home you dream of.” This will inspire them to stay on your website a little longer to look at different properties. This pop-up will increase the click-through rate to other properties, it will also decrease the bounce rate. 

Always engaged!

Setting up a house alert could prove itself useful as an additional way to recommend relevant listings to potential buyers. This is a subscription that takes all the visitor’s criteria into account in order to send him relevant properties through mailings. 

The only thing you need to do is collect your subscriber’s email address and your website knows what to do next. Setting up a house alert doesn’t take too long, you can easily learn how to do so in this article. 

The big advantage here is that people don’t like to fill in long forms. By using AI algorithms who collect data of your visitors behavior you don’t have to worry about long forms anymore. They will automatically be updated by the right content.

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